I appreciate your report. When I have a problem, I want to get it fixed. I want a person to talk to. I'm not the kind of person who likes to do a lot of research to try to figure out who I'm going to use. I don't want to have to go through the phone book or the internet. So the fact that you guys have it already compiled the companies for me, I applaud that.
I picked my roofing company out of the book, and they were absolutely fabulous. Now, I'm holding onto Best Pick Reports for the future, because I was so impressed.
We use your book, and we're about to go to it to look for a good company for windows. Best Pick Reports is a great independent service. People call me up all the time asking me about companies because they know I used to be a facilities manager, and I refer them to this book all the time.
I keep a copy at home and at the office. I would give the book an A grade. I think it's great.
It's really awesome. It's a great book for references. The Best Pick Reports book is the only one I keep; the other ones I just throw out.
I used to have an online service where I paid them for references. When I saw your book, I immediately called the online company and cancelled my subscription. It's really nice to have Best Pick Reports because the book contained everything I needed. You get input from local people to comprise your ratings.
We're remodeling our home's interior and exterior, and we use Best Pick Reports as a resource. It's very handy.
The book was helpful when I was looking for a plumber. I used it to identify someone who was reputable and to see how people felt about a company's service.
I really appreciate Best Pick Reports doing this. You're really trying to make sure the people you recommend are good folks. I can have more confidence that when I call a contractor, it's not somebody who's just paying to get their name in. That's great.
To find people who consistently do good work is nearly impossible. Finding out about Best Pick Reports was like a lifesaver.
What I like about the book is that I think it saves me a lot of steps. I feel that if you've got a company in there, they're probably worth using.
I use it to find out which companies to call. I find the book to be useful. I also think the summaries are really good. They give me a good understanding of what to look for. Quality-wise, I would definitely say that Best Pick Reports is an A.
I think it's a good resource, and I think it's a book that people really do rely on. It's really a relief to know you're hiring somebody that you can trust. Best Pick Reports is the first place I look because they are definitely better than any of the other books.
The company I hired from the book was excellent, so I'll always use that book when I need services. I trust Best Pick Reports' judgment.
It's a really great list of companies. I use Best Pick Reports, and that's how I got so many great referrals.
Everything's good about Best Pick Reports. You had good ratings in there and good feedback from people that've used the companies. It gives me a better idea of who to pick based on those past experiences. And that's the best way to find a company: by referral and from someone who's done research on them.
I have used Best Pick Reports. There's just a few entries in each category, and the people you put in there are really good. Keep it small and simple. Quality is the key. Perfect.
Best Pick Reports helped me. I keep that book. It was because of the book that I found my contractor. If it wasn't for Best Pick Reports, I wouldn't know who to contact. It's helpful for me.
I just moved here, so I don't really know too many companies out here yet. We've used a couple people out of your book, and we've been very impressed with all of them, very happy; roofers, sprinklers, and others too. We're very impressed with everybody out of this book.
I'm thankful for that book. I just love it. I've used quite a few of the recommendations. I'm very pleased. I hadn't known which contractors to get, and we're in a different area than where we used to live. It was so helpful.