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Do you know how to recognize a scam when hiring a contractor to work on your home? It’s easy to get caught up in an offer that seems to be even better than what you were looking for, but it’s important to keep a clear head in the negotiations. Keep reading for a quick guide to recognizing bait and switch tactics and other scams.
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How to Recognize a Bait & Switch
A bait and switch occurs when you are lured into a transaction by a seemingly great deal that turns out not to exist once you’re ready to pay. Here are some warnings signs to watch for.
1. Payment Details
Be wary of a contractor who asks for payment before explaining or performing any work.
2. New Information
Avoid contractors who change the details of the product or service you asked for or who try to force you to make a larger purchase to get what you need.
3. No Strings Attached
Beware of free or extremely discounted offers. They usually have fine print to include loopholes that the company can use to prevent you from taking action if you get scammed.
4. Unmarked Vehicles
Be cautious of contractors who arrive at your home in unmarked vehicles and without uniforms or identification.
If You Do Get Scammed
File an official report with the authorities and contact your bank. Take legal action if necessary. Visit Best Pick Reports for a list of researched and reviewed contractors in your area.
Infographic by BestPickReports.com