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Home improvements, even small ones, can help enhance your home’s appearance and add value to your property. DIY home projects are an attractive option because they can save money and the hassle of hiring a professional.
With all the how-to information available on the internet, turning a challenging upgrade into a DIY project can be tempting. Some jobs only require hard work, basic tools and attention to detail. Others are best for someone with technical skills and experience.
How can you decide if your DIY home projects are within your reach or if you should hire a professional instead? Here are some examples of common improvements to help you with the decision.
4 Home Projects You Can Do Yourself
If you’re looking to DIY some home projects, there four are great to start with. They require very few tools and little skill to get the job done.
Small Painting Projects
Painting an accent wall or new trim color is a straightforward DIY home project. It doesn’t require specialized skills or training. With a step-by-step approach, you should see good results without any professional help.
Preparation for painting involves these steps:
- Select the color and finish.
- Purchase paint roller, brush and trays
- Once home, ensure you remix it adequately (with the included mix stick) before applying.
Most retailers sell paint-and-primer mixtures that can make the process even easier. Be sure to use the right tools to ensure it’s done right the first time. If you’re unsure of what to purchase, a store employee can guide you.
It’s important to keep the room properly ventilated to avoid a strong paint smell. If you make a mistake, you can paint over it, so there won’t be any permanent damage.
Moderate Updates to Your Bathroom or Kitchen
Updating your kitchen and bathroom hardware is an easy way to upgrade the look of a room. These DIY home projects may include changing doorknobs, towel racks, hanging hooks or handles for cabinets or drawers.
Most of the time, you won’t need anything more than a screwdriver to remove old hardware. You may need to drill new holes if the new hardware doesn’t match up. This just involves marking the new hole location with a pencil, drilling a shallow hole and screwing in the new hardware. These small hardware updates can have a significant impact on the appearance of your home.
Installing a Raised Flower Bed
Adding a raised flowerbed helps to boost your home’s curb appeal and exterior appearance. Raised beds also improve drainage around your home.
Raised garden bed projects require some physical labor, but you can get the job done with some time and hard work. Home improvement stores also sell kits that make this DIY home project even easier.
Changing Your Curtains
You can change the atmosphere and mood in a room by replacing the curtains. Bold colors can draw the eye, while muted tones can create a cozy, relaxed atmosphere.
This DIY home project may only involve measuring the curtains, purchasing correctly sized replacements and hanging them on the existing rod.
You may need or want to replace the curtain rod, as well. This process is relatively simple. It requires using a screwdriver to remove the old hardware, measuring the new rod and drilling holes for the new screws.
4 Upgrades That Aren’t DIY-Friendly
Some projects require more than simple painting or using a drill and screwdriver. These can even be dangerous if you do not have the right training. For these projects, it’s important to use a professional.
Repairing Bathroom Plumbing
Plumbing can be expensive, and if it’s done incorrectly, there will be damaging results. A leak from a poorly fitted pipe or loose fixture can cause water damage and mold or an electrical short. This can be even more expensive to fix than the original plumbing.
If the work isn’t done properly, it could affect the use of your faucet, shower or toilet.
Installing a Light Fixture
Installing a light fixture requires working with your home’s electrical system. This job presents dangers on several fronts.
You can electrocute yourself or create a fire hazard in your home. You can also take down the whole house’s system by incorrectly altering or overloading the electrical currents. Because of these obvious dangers, this project rarely falls into the DIY realm.
Removing a Wall
Removing an existing wall can open up the floor plan and create more space. It might seem like an easy project because it only requires a sledgehammer and some strength.
However, walls may contain load bearing supports that hold the house up. Removing these can have disastrous consequences. Furthermore, the wall may hide wires or pipes.
You need a professional to assess the wall and ensure that the project won’t compromise supports or infrastructure.
Replacing Insulation
Insulation upgrades can improve your home’s energy efficiency. Unfortunately, insulation products may contain fiberglass, which can cause health problems if inhaled.
Worse yet, the original insulation in older homes may contain carcinogens, such as asbestos. These must be handled by a professional as hazardous material.
Because of these health risks, this home project is not as simple as removing old insulation and laying down new rolls.
Final Thoughts
As exciting as it is to dream up home renovations, it’s important to remember the element of safety.
If you can correctly decide which renovations are DIY home projects and which require a pro’s skills, you ensure that the job always gets done correctly without setbacks.