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One of the easiest ways to elevate your home’s curb appeal is to extend its interior style to the front—it’s a blank canvas waiting for an injection of personality. Try some of the front door ideas below, which are simple enough to complete in a weekend but good enough to make an impact.
Incorporate Small Features
Welcome mats. Welcome mats are great for instantly creating an inviting atmosphere. To highlight your personality, go beyond the generic mats that simply say “welcome” and choose something that articulates your hobbies or interests. If you’re unable to find a mat that encapsulates your personality, consider having a customized welcome mat created.
House numbers. While considered a functional part of the house, house numbers can lend a hand in the style category as well. There is a wide selection of house numbers varying in font, style, and color, and the right combination will surely add another level of personalization to your front door.
Hardware. The hardware on and around your door is also seen as functional, but changing it out is another easy way to update the appearance of your home. Everything from your doorbells, house numbers, doorknobs, and mailbox can be replaced with new or vintage hardware. Buy matching or complementary pieces to create a cohesive style.
Planters. Two simple planters placed on either side of your door create an effortless and understated design that can also be striking and sophisticated. Take into account the color of the planter pots as well as the type of vegetation you decide to grow in them. Also, consider varying the plants according to the season to have the area around your front door match the greenery in your yard.
Lighting. Lighting can also play a key role in creating a warm and inviting space. A dark doorstep isn’t appealing, but one lit with well-placed lights is very welcoming. In the daytime, your light fixtures can serve as additional decoration, but after the sun sets, they will illuminate the area around your front door and light the way for your guests.
Furniture. If you have adequate space around your front door, consider adding a few pieces of outdoor furniture. Nothing’s more inviting than a few comfortable chairs placed right outside of your doorway. And on a warm, sunny day, it could be the best place to start a conversation with a visiting friend.
Brush on a Striking Color
A coat of paint can quickly change the look and feel of your house. Choose a contrasting color for a striking design or a complementary hue for a subtle change in pace. For help with picking the right color to match your home, pick the right palette and use the 60-30-10 rule for help designing the area around your front door.
Make an Impact
An intricately designed wood door can make a statement. Replacing a basic door with one that has been hand carved can dramatically change the appearance of your home. To take this idea even further, have a trusted carpenter extend the details of the door to the surrounding framework. This type of door will look best stained, but it could also be painted.
Celebrate the Season
A great way to make a good first, second, and third impression with your front door is to change your decor according to the season. Wreaths offer an easy and simple way to reflect the colors of the season. In the spring, create a wreath that’s overflowing with colorful flowers. For the summer, change up the flowers or switch them out for fruit, such as berries or lemons. Fall wreaths are decorated with colors that match the turning leaves, and winter wreaths can mimic the appearance of snowflakes, feature golden brown pinecones, or reflect the holiday season.
By following a few of these steps, visitors to your home will marvel at the welcoming and inviting appearance of your front door design.