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In today’s world of ever-increasing technology, it is easy to lose the feel of nature. Similarly, modern architecture tends to rely on straight, rigid lines rather than incorporating the curves typically associated with natural formations like mountains and wooded areas. Incorporate these elements of the outdoors in your decorating style to create a balance between nature and your living space.
Woodworking projects can range from small photo frames and breadboxes to larger products like coffee tables or dining room tables. Replacing all of your interior floors with hardwood flooring might be a bit expensive, so attempting a smaller project will ultimately be more attainable in the short term.
If you want to start with just one room in your home, try the kitchen or the living room. Small accents like coasters for the table or a handmade cutting board will give you a taste of the outdoors and the chance to decide if you want to take on a bigger project like this coffee table. If you don’t want to take on the project yourself, check out some local craftsmen.
Herbs are a great way to bring nature indoors. Besides using herbs like mint, rosemary, tarragon, and sage for cooking, growing them in small pots on a windowsill or other sunny spot adds a natural accent for your kitchen. Herbs require little maintenance and can be used to season a variety of dishes as well as drinks, like this Salted Meyer Lemon and Sage Pressé.
Indoor Plants
Don’t worry if you don’t have a green thumb. There are many indoor plants that require little attention, like aloe. In addition to its decorative aspect, this plant serves as a source of gel to heal cuts and burns. It can also help purify the air in your home by removing byproducts of cleaning chemicals.
Like herbs, all aloe requires is sunlight and small amounts of water. A spider plant is another air-purifying plant that is easy to maintain. It has long, thin leaves, requires only indirect sunlight, and grows well in dry soil. As an added bonus, this plant is pet friendly and can easily be regrown by cutting a leaf and planting it in another pot.
There are lots of options to make your home more in tune with the outdoors. You can choose to give nature a large influence by crafting pieces of furniture, or you can start small with herbs and indoor plants before you take on the huge projects. Either way, you’ll feel the balance of your home change in a harmonious way.