Products & Services Provided
Residential and commercial services
Handyman jobs
Crown molding
Soffit and fascia
General carpentry
Drywall and painting
Windows and doors
Ceramic tile, and much more
General Liability & Workers' Compensation
Company History
Serves 100,000+ homeowners and has 15 employees
Warranties & Guarantees
100% customer satisfaction guarantee
1-year labor warranty
24-hour return call policy
Guaranteed price upfront
A+ Rated and Accredited with the BBB
Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year Finalist
Owners & Managers
Randy Smith, Owner
Rene Smith, Owner
Robert Gardner, Vice President
Areas Served
Bay Pines, Belleair Beach, Clearwater Beach, Clearwater, Crystal Beach, Dunedin, Indian Rocks Beach, Largo, Oldsmar, Palm Harbor, Pinellas Park, Safety Harbor, Saint Petersburg, Seminole, Tarpon Springs